Save Our Graves E-Petition.
Send a strong message to NSW MPs to reverse the decision to remove faith-based groups from the management of cemeteries.
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has asked for your support in signing an e-petition on this issue to be presented to the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly, since the government’s decision amounts to an attack on religious freedom in NSW.
For more than 150 years in NSW, Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust has been trusted not only by Catholics, but by the Islamic and Jewish communities and other people of faith to bury the dead, maintain their graves respectfully and comfort grieving families.
The NSW Government wants to exclude faith groups from this precious ministry and replace them with a new and costly Government bureaucracy which has no understanding of religious customs around burials, including the importance of leaving graves undisturbed by future generations.
Sign the epetition here: You can also write to your local State MP to voice your concern about this proposal.