Dear Parents, Caregivers and Candidates,
Thank you for your willingness to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation at St Mary Magdalene Church Rose Bay.
=== Preparation Classes === Prep Class 1 – Saturday 22nd March 2025, 4.00pm, stay for 5.30pm Vigil Prep Class 2 – Saturday 29th March 2025, 4.00pm, stay for 5.30om Vigil
=== Sacrament of First Reconciliation Night ===
Parish and McAuley Catholic Primary Thursday 3rd April 6pm
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child into our First Reconciliation program for 2025.
Unfortunately, it is a requirement that your child be in Year 2 or above to receive this Sacrament.
We look forward to welcoming you in the future! Many Blessings!
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2025 Enrolment Fee for First Reconciliation is $150.00 which covers the cost of workbooks and associated printing of resources, pins, certificates etc.
Direct Transfer Payment: Rose Bay Parish BSB 062 784 - ACCOUNT 352 5001 *** LINK - ONLINE PAYMENT (will open in a new window) *** NB: No child will be excluded from participating in our Sacramental Program due to any financial concerns. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact parish administration.
*** LINK - ONLINE PAYMENT (will open in a new window) *** NB: No child will be excluded from participating in our Sacramental Program due to any financial concerns. Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact parish administration.